CeMEB Advanced Course 2 - Marine Genomics

Marine Genomics

The Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology (CeMEB) invite PhD students and postdocs from all over the world to gather for one week in a stimulating environment for an introductory course in Marine Genomics, focusing on genomics methods useful in non-model species, and discussing examples of marine evolutionary research in which genomics methods are being used.

The Questions
NGS sequencing opens a wide range of approaches to classical evolutionary questions such as population structure, targets of selection, local adaptation and speciation. This course will give an overview over genomic methods useful to target these and similar issues, and present examples in which marine organisms are comprehensively studied using genomics approaches.

The Aims
Passing this course will give you an overview of available methods, their weaknesses and strengths and examples of questions being solved by various methods. An additional aim is to link young and senior researchers with similar interests.

CeMEB teachers:
Kerstin Johannesson, course coordinator
Anders Blomberg
Carl André
Marina Panova

Your applications should include a short description of your research interest and why you would like to participate, max one A4 page, as well as CV with publication list.

Deadline for registration: 30th September
Send your application to: eva.marie.rodstrom@gu.se

Link to the Website


Sunday, November 24, 2013 to Saturday, November 30, 2013
Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences - Tjärnö, Sweden