CeMEB Advanced Course 1- Marine Evolution under climate change

Marine Evolution under climat change

What determines species-sensitivity to future environmental stressors and how does it relates to species recent evolutionary history? What life-history strategies will be selected in future ocean? How can we assess a species adaptation potential? What is the role of phenotypic plasticity in species resilience? What will be evolutionary rules in future oceans? What is the role of ecological interactions in future ecosystem changes?

This is an international course for PhD students and postdocs to learn more about how climate change (including global warming, ocean acidification, hypoxia) affects evolutionary rules that shape ocean ecosystem.

Invited teachers:
Piero Calosi, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Jenn Sunday, Simon Fraser University, Canada

CeMEB teacher:
Sam Dupont, course coordinator

Your applications should include a short description of your research interest and why you would like to participate, max one A4 page, as well as CV with publication list.

Deadline for registration: 30th September
Send your application to: eva.marie.rodstrom@gu.se

Link to the Website

Sunday, November 17, 2013 to Saturday, November 23, 2013
Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences - Kristineberg, Sweden