GSC 14 Oxford, September 17-19, 2012 Session on Genomic Observatories - 1st action: Ocean Sampling Day

Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) is a first example of the way that research projects (Micro B3) could leverage a network of Genomic Observatories. What are the anticipated benefits and challenges faced by sites (represented on the panel) preparing for the coordinated day of marine genomic sampling on June 21, 2014? 
The following topics were discussed:
  • What is a Genomic Observatory and what might a GOs Network look like in the future?
  • Should GOs be selected according to objective criteria?
  • How would a GOs research coordination network help sites and advance science?
  • Could a network create emergent properties, ultimately a global GO?
  • Could it contribute to a Global Biocode? (inventories of species and genetic variation across GOs Network)
  • Could it organize a regular Earth Sampling Day (ESD) across aquatic and terrestrial sites?
  • How do we engage further participants? 

Participants presenting their experiences with the Pilot OSD on June 20, 2012. In total 21 stations all over the world have taken samples and contextual (meta)data to test protocols and logistics. The Earth Microbiome Project has offered to do a first round of 16S ribosomal RNA tag sequencing.

Participants and Sampling Sites:
Pierre Galand (Banyuls), Georgios Kotoulas (Crete), Burak Ali Cicek (Cyprus), Gunnar Gerdts (Helgoland), Adriana Zingone (Naples), Nathalie Simon (Roscoff), Frank Oliver Glöckner (MPI Bremen, Micro B3), Julia Schnetzer (MPI Bremen, Micro B3), Melody Clark (Rothera), Viggó Þór Marteinsson (Iceland), Tim Smyth (Western Channel Observatory), Linda Amaral Zettler (MBL, Woods Hole), Ian Salters (Banyuls), Neil Davies (Moorea).