OSD 2012 Pilot Study

As part of the run up to the official Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) on June 21, 2014 solstice) we are running pilot OSD studies to help establish the co-ordination (creation of the OSD Network), logistics (sampling, shipping, data access), bioinformatics (metadata capture, analysis, data exchange and storage) and policies (data policy for OSD, ABS/MTA) required to run the 2014 main event. These pilot studies will take place on the solstices prior to 2014.

The first pilot study will take place on Wednesday June 20th, 2012 (solstice).

This Micro B3 pilot OSD study is being put together in collaboration with the Genomic Observatories Network (GOs Network, http://www.genomicobservatories.org), the Earth Microbiome Project (EMP, (http://www.earthmicrobiome.org), and the Global Genome Initiative (GGI, http://www.mnh.si.edu/ggi/).