European Bioeconomy

One year on from the launching of the EU’s Bioeconomy Strategy, the European Commission in collaboration with the Irish Presidency analyse the achievements and the opportunities ahead in the two-day conference “Bioeconomy in the EU: achievements and directions for the future" .

Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, and the Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine , Simon Coveney, open this high level meeting that takes place in the Dublin Castle from 14 to 15 February 2013.

This is the next of a series of regular conferences organised with the objective of engaging civil society and promoting informed public debate on the European Commission of the strategy and action plan, Innovating for Sustainable Growth: a Bioeconomy for Europe , adopted in February 2012. The first one, titled Bioeconomy in Action, took place in Denmark and culminated with the launch of the Copenhagen Declaration for a Bioeconomy in Action.

The aim of Bioeconomy Strategy is to shift the European economy towards greater and more sustainable use of renewable resources to ensure a secure and healthy food and feed supply, as well as producing bio-based materials, energy, and other products.

This will enable a more innovative and low-emissions economy - reconciling demands for sustainable agriculture and fisheries, food security, and the sustainable use of renewable biological resources for industrial purposes, while ensuring biodiversity and environmental protection.

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Dublin Castle, Ireland
Bioeconomy in the EU: achievements and directions for the future
Thursday, February 14, 2013 to Friday, February 15, 2013